Move to the Public Apple App Store?
Apple has deprecated the AEP (Apple Enterprise Program). Your company’s app currently uses this program to build your app. Good news, you will no longer need to use that program. There are several benefits for switching. First, you do not have to pay the $300 yearly subscription. You will no longer have to manage certificates and mobile provisioning profiles that were only good for one year.
PlayerLync now offers the app through the Apple & Google Public App Stores. How will this change the way you distribute your app from today? This should simplify your process. You will no longer have to manage an app or certificates. Updates to the app will be automatic. Your app will have the latest features and fixes.
- There is a requirement that your server version be on 4013.3.0 or higher. You can confirm this by looking at your Admin login page. If not on 4013.3.0 or higher please contact
If you are using an MDM (Mobile Device Manager), you will point to the store app and push it just like you did your custom app. The benefit is you will only have to do this once. The app will automatically update from then on, as well as no more certificate and profile management. Last step is once the new app is on the device you will need to retire/delete the old app so it is no longer on the device, as it will consume storage.
If you do not have an MDM and you were pushing the app using GetLync or a web page. There are several ways to inform people of the new app. You can point people to the public app store for installation by using a simple hyperlink that you can email, text, or put the link on any web page. In addition to a hyperlink you can send a QR Code as well so people can turn on the camera of the tablet or phone and it will direct them to the app store without having to type anything. Another method is to log into PlayerLync using a web browser on a tablet or phone the user will be prompted with a smart banner that give them the option to install the native app if desired. Final option is publishing a link or document within your app that shows them the 3 easy steps for downloading, installing, and logging in to the new app.
Last step is once the new app is on the device you will need to delete the old app so it is no longer on the device, as it will consume storage. Both apps can run in parallel while you transition.
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