Video Compression/Transcode Requirements
Publishing video to the Admin Portal
When a video file is published in the Admin Portal, it does not get automatically set for compression. There are certain requirements that a video file must have in order to be set to be compressed. First of all, there exist two types of transcoding flags: REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED. Here is what sets the following statuses:
For a video to be set REQUIRED, any of the following must be true:
- video file extension is not mp4
- mp4 video compression type is not "h264"
- video audio compression type is not "aac"
For a video to be set RECOMMENDED, any of the following must be true:
- video frame rate is greater than 30 fps
- mp4 has a bitrate greater than 3000kbps (or 5000kbps for 360 video)
Please note that PlayerLync supports file compression up to 2GB in size. Files over that size we recommend pre-compressing before loading up to PlayerLync.
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